Upon careful consideration

What’s a cook to do with the leftover cream from the husband’s recent birthday gelato?

I fancied a few possibilities: dribble fat drops into a soup; ceremonialize the close of maple sugaring season with some maple scones; serve up an extra-indulgent weekend French toast.

Or, what I usually do: Forget the extra cream is in the back of the refrigerator until it’s way beyond its expiration date, then dump it, great lumps and all, down the disposal (the motor already running to alleviate any attendant icky odors).


So you see, I tried. I thoughtfully weighed my options, made the effort to give other recipes their due. In the end, though, I recognized my half-hearted attempts for full-on denial. What I really wanted to make was more gelato.

Brian’s birthday had called for a banana gelato that has a distinctly caramel flavor. Our craving for caramel piqued, this burnt caramel gelato was a proper follow up. It’s like caramel for grownups, toffee-esque, with a slightly bitter finish.

Now, what to do with the leftover whole milk?

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6 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    […] Original post by The Zest […]

  2. 2

    That burnt caramel gelato looks so rich. Good use of leftovers!

  3. 3

    lisamichele said,

    I only wish most leftovers looked like and no doubt, tasted, like that! Gorgeous and decadent gelato!

  4. 4

    Kevin said,

    That burnt caramel gelato looks and sounds so good. Maybe even add some of those bananas to it?

  5. 5

    Burnt (well, just this side of burnt) caramel is one of my all-time favorite flavors! Your gelato looks incredible. As for the milk, I like to drink it, but I realize not everyone does, so may I suggest a delicious béchamel sauce? Try it on leeks, spinach or swiss chard, and then it’s like you’re eating something healthy! 🙂

  6. 6

    Trisha said,

    Brittany: It is rich — not for the faint-hearted. : )

    lisamichele: Hooray for appealing leftovers! Thank you!

    Kevin: Bananas would be a tasty topping. I’ve sprinkled some toasted pecans on top, too.

    Camille: I love your suggestions — keep ’em coming! I’m going to do a bechamel over the Russian red kale & Toscano I bought at market today. Can’t wait!

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