Chickpea skillet bread

I don’t know how I missed it, but when I was visiting the south of France, I never once encountered socca. Just another reason (as if I really needed one) to go back.

In the meanwhile, I’ll content myself with this chickpea skillet bread, easily put together right in my own kitchen at a moment’s notice — anytime I’m feeling the pressing need to get the heck out of the desert.

And even though my home-wrought bread is a meager substitute for the authentic experience, it will at the very least exhaust me of my chickpea flour supply (why did I buy it again? Probably for the same reason I secured that giant bag of cardamom I still need to find uses for. Surely in some untapped [by me] culinary universe I could tackle both ingredients at once. Perhaps a cardamom-scented dal to smear on the flatbread is in order?)


9 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Heh. I have a bag of chickpea flour, too, bought for unknown reasons many moons ago. But isn’t that just part of the well-stocked pantry you mentioned in the last post? 😉

  2. 2

    Trisha said,

    Camille: It is absolutely part of the well-stocked pantry, and even though I’d forgotten my original reason for buying it, I’ve had lots of fun finding ways to use it.

  3. 3

    This sounds positively scrumptious! : )

  4. 4

    Leah Rubin said,

    OMG, I am SO glad I found you on SITS– love this, and I’ll be coming back for more.

    Come by my place– I’ll pour you a cup of coffee and we’ll talk cookin’!


  5. 5

    Trisha said,

    life with kaishon: It was! : )

    Leah: Thanks for finding me here! Looking forward to discovering more kitchen goodness on your end!

  6. 6

    Wendy said,

    Just wanted to mention that the skillet bread I have been making for the kids for pancakes tastes SO INCREDIBLY different with fresh ground chick peas for flour then the stuff from the store. Oh my, we couldn’t even eat the store bought flour – they tasted so nasty. You could grind whole chick peas in your vitamix or just in a coffee grnder and the chick peas are easy to store so they don’t go rancid like the flour. I actually don’t see your recipe but I use one that calls for 2/3 cup water, 1/2 cup chick pea flower, 1/4-1/2 tsp salt, 2 teaspoons olive oil. Now… interesting because I didn’t read the recipe correctly and I’ve always mde it WITH the oil in the batter, not realizing the oil was for frying. I do put more olive oil in the cast iron fry pan and I cook on med high because I like ‘crispy’ edges LOL but the batter actually develops all those little holes when you cook it. It is also great cold with almond butter, honey, butter etc. rolled up. or frozen in between wax paper you can retoast in the toaster oven and put agave or syrup on it and a pad of butter. If you DON’T put the oil in it, like the original recipe calls for it’s really thin, like a crepe/wrap type thing 😉 The kids also like it when I serve a ‘sauce’ – just blended frozen strawberries or add some sweetener if your kids need it, they use it as a dip LOL

  7. 7

    Wendy said,

    I should also mention that we times this recipe by 5 or 6 to make tonnes of them, I have to skillets (cast iron fry pans) on the go at once…if there are any leftovers, we freeze.

  8. 8

    Trisha said,

    Thanks for all the great tips, Wendy! I recently bought a WonderMill wheat grinder, so I can easily make my own chickpea flour. Can’t wait to try it with this recipe!

  9. 9

    Jamie said,

    My brother-in-law is from the south of France, loves cooking, and I’ve never once heard him mention chickpea skillet bread… hmmm! nice discovery, thanks!

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